Better Together | Just Married Edition

Hosted By: Justin & Allison Elam
Length: 5 Parts

Justin and Allison Elam will introduce just married couples to five common frustrations in marriage and how to work through them. They’ll also share a habit or tool that can strengthen your relationship. Then, you’ll hear from a couple who has worked through their own challenges to become better together.

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Between Friends

Speakers: Joi Bowling, Jenny Boyett, Debbie Causey, Esther Gray, and Brooklynn Warren
Length: 3 Parts

This three-part study is a conversation between friends about expectations, empathy, communication, conflict, and boundaries. As you watch and listen, you'll be reminded that there isn't just one "right way" to do friendship. Instead, your friendships will grow deeper and stronger as you continue to move toward the best version of yourself.

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Emotional Health

Speakers: Holly Goddard, Carey Nieuwhof, Chinwé Williams, and Sean Seay
Length: 4 Parts

When our emotions are maintained the right way, everything runs pretty smoothly. But when we let emotions get outside where they’re supposed to be, we can cause damage with our words and our actions.

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Speaker: Joel Thomas
Length: 3 Parts

Great friendships are rare as adults. We go through most of our early years with built-in friendships, but then we’re thrown into the real world where it seems much harder to find and maintain them. Using three key concepts, we’ll discover how to create and cultivate meaningful friendships.

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Boundaries, Character, Values, Relationships NPM Digital Boundaries, Character, Values, Relationships NPM Digital


Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 5 Parts

Ever wonder what it would be like to have guardrails in other areas of your life—areas where culture baits you to the edge of disaster and then chastises you when you step across the line? Your friendships. Your finances. Your marriage. Maybe your greatest regret could have been avoided if you had established guardrails.

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Note to Self

Speaker: Adam Johnson and Kathleen Edelman
Length: 2 Parts

We were taught a lot of things growing up. Many of those things were helpful; most of them were true. But there are few things we may have carried into adulthood that are just myths. (What really happens if you don’t wait 30 minutes after eating to jump in the pool?)

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