Better Together | Just Married Edition

Hosted By: Justin & Allison Elam
Length: 5 Parts

Justin and Allison Elam will introduce just married couples to five common frustrations in marriage and how to work through them. They’ll also share a habit or tool that can strengthen your relationship. Then, you’ll hear from a couple who has worked through their own challenges to become better together.

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Make Room

Speaker: Samer Massad
Length: 4 Parts

Spiritual disciplines are any habit or practice designed to help us make room to experience more of God in our everyday lives. But for many of us and for whatever reasons, practicing spiritual disciplines has resulted in frustration, leaving us to wonder if experiencing more of God’s grace and power is reserved only for extra-spiritual people. In this study, we’ll unpack what it looks like to make room to experience more of God’s grace and transforming power in our lives through the practice of spiritual disciplines.

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Relationships, Marriage NPM Digital Relationships, Marriage NPM Digital

Reconcilable Differences

Speaker: Gavin Adams
Length: 1 Part

All relationships can be challenging, and marriage is no exception. Nobody enters into marriage hoping for the worst, but, too often, when differences are discovered in that relationship, they seem irreconcilable. How does a promise of love become a seemingly insurmountable difference? What if our irreconcilable differences could be . . . reconciled? Find the hope that can come with saying "I do.”

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Relationships, Marriage, Parenting NPM Digital Relationships, Marriage, Parenting NPM Digital

Relationship Goals

Speaker: Jeff and Wendy Henderson, Andy and Sandra Stanley
Length: 1 Part

After a few decades of marriage, Andy and Sandra Stanley and Jeff and Wendy Henderson have some advice to share (along with a few stories of how they learned these lessons the hard way). If you’re married or want to be married one day, this is a message you’ll be glad you listened to.

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