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Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 5 Parts
Ever wonder what it would be like to have guardrails in other areas of your life—areas where culture baits you to the edge of disaster and then chastises you when you step across the line? Your friendships. Your finances. Your marriage. Maybe your greatest regret could have been avoided if you had established guardrails.
How to Get What You Really Want
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
Life can feel like a constant pursuit of wants. Actually getting what we want can be tricky and even dangerous.
Re-Assembly Required
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
Repairing relationships is a skill that must be learned. While we’re not in control of every relationship being fully restored, we can strive to have no regrets by acting on four decisions.
Seven Questions
Speaker: John Woodall
Length: 7 Parts
The pressures of manhood are enormous. It may seem like everyone wants something from you—your wife, your kids, your boss, and maybe even God.
The Menace, Myth, and Mayhem of Autonomy
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 1 Part
Doing what you want to do when you want to do it and having the money to pay for it sounds like a dream. The problem is, it may also be what ruins you—your career, reputation, or family.
In this study recently updated for Men’s Groups, Andy explains a simple thing you can do to safeguard against the mistake you won't know you've made until it's too late.
What Makes You Happy
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 6 Parts
Everybody wants to be happy. Everybody is on a happiness quest. For many, happiness is measured in moments. Experiences. It's elusive. Unsustainable. This study explores the three things all happy people have in common and how these three things can be realities for you as well.