Better Together | Just Married Edition

Hosted By: Justin & Allison Elam
Length: 5 Parts

Even as newlywed couples, we all have some version of a marriage “toolbox.” It’s filled with things we saw our parents do, things we’ve learned from other couples we know, or maybe things we’ve seen in movies. And when life gets tough, we instinctively reach into the toolbox to figure out what to do and how to respond. But those things may or may not be helpful.

Each week we’ll give you another “tool” to put in your “toolbox” so you can build a solid foundation from the start. Justin and Allison Elam will introduce five common frustrations in marriage and how to work through them. They’ll also share a habit or tool that can strengthen your relationship. Then, you’ll hear from a couple who has worked through their own challenges to become better together.

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Part 1: “Better Understanding

We could all name several ways we're different from our spouses. And those differences can easily become frustrations. We'll talk about how to develop a better understanding of each other and how those differences can actually make your marriage strong from the start.

Part 2: “Better Communication

It's easy in marriage to have the same conflict over and over again. In this session, we'll talk about how to improve communication so you can be a strong team that works together to navigate difficult issues.

Part 3: “Better Perspective

Most of us come into marriage with some expectations of how things will go. But those expectations can sometimes give us tunnel vision, causing us to miss the chance to enjoy and appreciate our spouses. We'll talk about the difference between desires and expectations and what we can do to develop a better perspective.

Part 4: “Better You”

One of the best things we can do for our marriage is to be the best version of ourselves. We'll talk about developing the habit of self-care and why it's so important in a healthy marriage.

Part 5: “Better Time Together”

In a culture full of commitments and responsibilities, it can be easy to let your marriage fall to the bottom of the priority list. But prioritizing fun, adventure, and consistent connection is essential in building a marriage that lasts.


Better Together


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