Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts

The icon for Christianity isn’t a checkered flag, a trophy, or a crown. The icon for Christianity is actually a cross: a symbol of shame and loss and suffering. For most modern Christians, it represents a way of believing. But for 1st century Christians, the cross represented something else; it represented a way of living.

The cross was actually an invitation to an alternative way of life.

Part 1: It Won’t Work

Want to view the full message this part was based on? Check it out here.

It's not intuitive to choose to lose, but Jesus introduced an upside-down way of living.

Part 2: Loser’s Club

Want to view the full message this part was based on? Check it out here.

The cross is a reminder for us to stop chasing what can’t be caught.

Part 3: Chasing Humility

Want to view the full message this part was based on? Check it out here.

We can be tempted by a lot of things we shouldn’t give in to. But when we give into the temptation of humility, the world changes for the better.

Part 4: Kingdom Now

Want to view the full message this part was based on? Check it out here.

Living in the upside-down kingdom Jesus described can seem risky and foolish. But when we embrace it, we experience the power and love of God.


Ice Breakers

