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1 & 2 Thessalonians
Speaker: Reed Moore
Length: 3 Parts
At some point, we’ve all been handed responsibilities we haven’t been ready for. First-century Christians in the city of Thessalonica found themselves in that situation. In two letters, Paul cheered these new converts, told them more about Christ’s second coming, and gave direction on how to conduct their daily lives.
3 Questions Everyone Has About God
Speaker: Jamey Dickens and Marquise Cox
Length: 3 Parts
We all have questions about God, but many of us have been given unhelpful—or even wrong—answers along the way. It's possible that a false view of God may be keeping you from a deeper faith. In this series, we will tackle the three questions most everyone has about God.
Address the Mess
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
It's a common misperception that the Christian life is all about avoiding messes and staying out of trouble.
Better Together
Hosted By: Justin & Allison Elam
Length: 5 Parts
Justin and Allison Elam will introduce five common frustrations in marriage and how to work through them. They'll also share a habit or tool that can strengthen your relationship. Then, you'll hear from a couple who has worked through their own challenges to become better together.
Better Together | Just Married Edition
Hosted By: Justin & Allison Elam
Length: 5 Parts
Justin and Allison Elam will introduce just married couples to five common frustrations in marriage and how to work through them. They’ll also share a habit or tool that can strengthen your relationship. Then, you’ll hear from a couple who has worked through their own challenges to become better together.
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 8 Parts
As a follower of Jesus, John was a bystander to the miracles, the crucifixion, and the resurrection of a man he concluded was the Son of God. Late in life, John compiled his account of Jesus’ life, purposely including stories and details to convince those of us who would come generations later—who couldn’t be eyewitnesses like he was—to reach the same conclusion. Which leaves us with a question: Do we?
Christmas: It’s All Good
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
Questioning whether the message of Jesus is true is not the only reason people are walking away from faith. They’re asking, “Is it good?” Two thousand years ago, the arrival of Jesus was good news of great joy for all people. So, what—if anything—changed?
Climate Change
Speaker: Jeff Henderson
Length: 2 Parts
Every relationship has a climate—sunny, stormy, or even icy. Many of us are unaware of the emotional climates we carry around with us.
Core vs. Periphery
Speaker: Tim Cooper
Length: 1 Part
Everyone has opinions. Differing opinions can sometimes be divisive—especially when it comes to faith. But our differences don’t have to separate us.
Don’t Be Gross
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 1 Part
If you’re grateful for your local church but you’re not engaged, now is the time.
Emotional Health
Speakers: Holly Goddard, Carey Nieuwhof, Chinwé Williams, and Sean Seay
Length: 4 Parts
When our emotions are maintained the right way, everything runs pretty smoothly. But when we let emotions get outside where they’re supposed to be, we can cause damage with our words and our actions.
Speaker: Reggie Sumpter
Length: 3 Parts
Around 2,000 years ago the apostle Paul wrote a letter to new followers of Jesus in and around the city of Ephesus. He wants them to know they are as much a member of God’s family as anyone else. Paul’s words to them can still very much apply to us today.
Everyday Evangelism
Speaker: Tim Cooper
Length: 3 Parts
What if sharing your faith wasn’t something you did, but a way you lived. . . every day? This 3-part study helps us understand what it looks like to be a Christian and share our faith in today's culture. Take a look at the most important part of evangelism and the Five Thresholds of Faith.
False Views of God
Speaker: Reece Mashaw and Sherita Harkness
Length: 3 Parts
It can be easy to pick up thoughts and ideas about God that might not actually be true. These false views can lead to unmet expectations or cause us to dismiss faith entirely. A false view keeps us from seeing God as he really is and experiencing the type of relationship he desires to have with us. The first step in gaining clarity is to examine the things we tell ourselves about God.