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Breathing Room for Moms
Speaker: Sandra Stanley and Mandy Arioto
Length: 6 Parts
You're multi-tasking your way through motherhood. With one surprisingly simple invitation, God offers a way to trade your overwhelming pace for one that will finally bring you peace.
Fathering on Purpose
Speaker: John Woodall
Length: 1 Part
Many of us live lives directly influenced by the relationship or lack of relationship with our fathers. Hear from John Woodall, a father of four children who didn't always get it right.
Parent Unscripted
Speaker: Andy and Sandra Stanley
Length: 2 Parts
There’s no script for handling all the challenges parents face. This study encourages and equips parents in this important role.
Parenting in the 21st Century
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
If you’re a parent (or are playing a part in raising a child), you probably look for advice from time to time. It’s a tough job, after all. And you want to get it right. In this series, Andy suggests an unexpected place to turn to when you’re looking for guidance about the trickiest topics of family life—from discipline to divorce.
Raising Emotionally Strong and Worry-Free Kids
Speaker: David Thomas and Sissy Goff
Length: 7 Parts
As counselors, David Thomas and Sissy Goff are seeing more and more boys and girls struggling to regulate their emotions and overcome worry. In this 7-part group study, they’ll share practical ways to help kids and teens be emotionally strong and worry-free!
Relationship Goals
Speaker: Jeff and Wendy Henderson, Andy and Sandra Stanley
Length: 1 Part
After a few decades of marriage, Andy and Sandra Stanley and Jeff and Wendy Henderson have some advice to share (along with a few stories of how they learned these lessons the hard way). If you’re married or want to be married one day, this is a message you’ll be glad you listened to.
Shifting Gears: Parenting Through the Teen Years
Speakers: Tim Elmore, Sissy Goff, David Thomas, and Gerald Fadayomi
Length: 4 Parts
Parenting teenagers is uniquely challenging! We sat down with Tim Elmore, Sissy Goff, David Thomas, and Gerald Fadayomi to talk about parenting teens in the areas of dating, technology, faith, and the important shift we need to make as parents to prepare them for the road ahead.