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Address the Mess
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
It's a common misperception that the Christian life is all about avoiding messes and staying out of trouble.
Breathing Room
Speaker: Sandra Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
Do you ever feel like you don’t enjoy anything because you’re trying to do everything? With one surprisingly simple invitation, God offers a way to trade your overwhelming pace for one that will finally bring you peace. This 28-day study will show you how.
Christmas: It’s All Good
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
Questioning whether the message of Jesus is true is not the only reason people are walking away from faith. They’re asking, “Is it good?” Two thousand years ago, the arrival of Jesus was good news of great joy for all people. So, what—if anything—changed?
Comparison Trap
Speaker: Andy and Sandra Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
The temptation to compare is as near as your next chat with a friend, trip to the store, or login on social media.
Emotional Health
Speakers: Holly Goddard, Carey Nieuwhof, Chinwé Williams, and Sean Seay
Length: 4 Parts
When our emotions are maintained the right way, everything runs pretty smoothly. But when we let emotions get outside where they’re supposed to be, we can cause damage with our words and our actions.
Grown-Up Prayers
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
As children, many of us were taught to say our prayers. As we got older, we wondered why we should pray. We thought, How should I pray? Does praying even work? Those questions deserve grown-up answers.
How to Get What You Really Want
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
Life can feel like a constant pursuit of wants. Actually getting what we want can be tricky and even dangerous.
If Money Talked
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
It turns out that the secret to financial security isn’t a secret. It’s just not at all what we expect.
In this four-part study, Andy Stanley offers an approach to money management that will make your life better and make you better at life. Whether you have a lot or a little, are a spender or a saver, you’ll find Andy’s insights challenging, refreshing, and extraordinarily practical.
Make Room
Speaker: Samer Massad
Length: 4 Parts
Spiritual disciplines are any habit or practice designed to help us make room to experience more of God in our everyday lives. But for many of us and for whatever reasons, practicing spiritual disciplines has resulted in frustration, leaving us to wonder if experiencing more of God’s grace and power is reserved only for extra-spiritual people. In this study, we’ll unpack what it looks like to make room to experience more of God’s grace and transforming power in our lives through the practice of spiritual disciplines.
Me & My Big Mouth
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
Ever said something you wish you could take back? Even if what you said was true, those words may have cost you a job, reputation, or even relationship.
Parenting in the 21st Century
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
If you’re a parent (or are playing a part in raising a child), you probably look for advice from time to time. It’s a tough job, after all. And you want to get it right. In this series, Andy suggests an unexpected place to turn to when you’re looking for guidance about the trickiest topics of family life—from discipline to divorce.
Re-Assembly Required
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
Repairing relationships is a skill that must be learned. While we’re not in control of every relationship being fully restored, we can strive to have no regrets by acting on four decisions.
Shifting Gears: Parenting Through the Teen Years
Speakers: Tim Elmore, Sissy Goff, David Thomas, and Gerald Fadayomi
Length: 4 Parts
Parenting teenagers is uniquely challenging! We sat down with Tim Elmore, Sissy Goff, David Thomas, and Gerald Fadayomi to talk about parenting teens in the areas of dating, technology, faith, and the important shift we need to make as parents to prepare them for the road ahead.
Starting Over
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
We've all had the experience of taking something apart and starting over. That's okay if it's a gas grill, but it's not okay if it's your life.
The Beginner’s Guide to Predicting Your Future
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
You’ve most likely thought (or said) at some point: How did he not see that coming?It’s easy to predict other people’s futures. So why is it so hard to predict your own?
The Bible for Grown-Ups
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
As children, many of us received a Bible and were told everything in it was true. Then we grew up. What was oh-so-simple then is…well, it’s not simple. Perhaps that’s because we were taught Bible stories but not the story of the Bible.