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Coaches: For Men
Speaker: Gavin Adams
Length: 1 Part
Life has many big moments of transition: starting a new job, getting married, having your first child. Uncertainty during these transitions can cloud your judgment. How do you prepare now to make good decisions then?
Core vs. Periphery
Speaker: Tim Cooper
Length: 1 Part
Everyone has opinions. Differing opinions can sometimes be divisive—especially when it comes to faith. But our differences don’t have to separate us.
Don’t Be Gross
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 1 Part
If you’re grateful for your local church but you’re not engaged, now is the time.
Fathering on Purpose
Speaker: John Woodall
Length: 1 Part
Many of us live lives directly influenced by the relationship or lack of relationship with our fathers. Hear from John Woodall, a father of four children who didn't always get it right.
Fight For It: How to Build Resilience
Speaker: Clay Scroggins
Length: 1 Part
There’s no magic dust that creates resilience—it must be earned through experience. In a world of trials and troubles, our God has great plans for each one of us. How can we allow him to use our broken lives to build something beautiful?
Gentlemen’s Club: For Men
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 1 Part
Jesus' teachings about honoring women were extremely countercultural in the first century. They remain so today.
Group Checkpoint
Speaker: Evan McLaughlin
Length: 1 Part
Healthy groups pause from time to time to consider the question, “How are we doing?” This 1-session study provides the opportunity for your group to celebrate how God is working and to determine a plan for continued growth.
Hand Check: For Men
Speaker: Gavin Adams
Length: 1 Part
We all have plans for how we want things to go. Planning offers predictability and control in our lives. But sometimes our plans aren’t the best. So, what do we do when faced with a change of direction?
Hidden: For Men
Speaker: John Lynch
Length: 1 Part
All of us are stuck with unresolved issues whose symptoms we are trying to fix. The power of what we're hiding grows with each day. But, who can I trust?
Ice Breakers
Speaker: Gavin Adams
Length: 1 Part
Instead of conversations, Christians often have conversion attempts and confrontations. But is that really getting us to the outcomes we want?
Speaker: Reece Mashaw
Length: 1 Part
A limit is any barrier that comes between what we want and can actually get. After all, none of us like to hear “no.” While limits can feel like dead ends, they actually provide hidden opportunities.
Join us as we explore how the apostle Paul dealt with limits in his own life and discover the unexpected gifts that can come from our limitations.
Reconcilable Differences
Speaker: Gavin Adams
Length: 1 Part
All relationships can be challenging, and marriage is no exception. Nobody enters into marriage hoping for the worst, but, too often, when differences are discovered in that relationship, they seem irreconcilable. How does a promise of love become a seemingly insurmountable difference? What if our irreconcilable differences could be . . . reconciled? Find the hope that can come with saying "I do.”
Relationship Goals
Speaker: Jeff and Wendy Henderson, Andy and Sandra Stanley
Length: 1 Part
After a few decades of marriage, Andy and Sandra Stanley and Jeff and Wendy Henderson have some advice to share (along with a few stories of how they learned these lessons the hard way). If you’re married or want to be married one day, this is a message you’ll be glad you listened to.
See the World: Success
Speaker: Adam Johnson
Length: 1 Part
Your definition of success determines the direction of your life. One major pitfall is common to all of us when defining success.
The Menace, Myth, and Mayhem of Autonomy
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 1 Part
Doing what you want to do when you want to do it and having the money to pay for it sounds like a dream. The problem is, it may also be what ruins you—your career, reputation, or family.
In this study recently updated for Men’s Groups, Andy explains a simple thing you can do to safeguard against the mistake you won't know you've made until it's too late.
Three Prayers
Speaker: Sandra Stanley
Length: 1 Part
None of us want to look like we’re one kind of person but really be someone else underneath. Drifting away from God happens slowly, and it can be hard to notice when it’s happening to us. In this 1-part study, Sandra Stanley shares three prayers that are key to keeping us from being people who are not truly the people we appear to be. These three prayers can shape our relationship with God and become a defense against drift. They will shape who we are and can inform the choices we make in life.