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How Not to Be Your Own Worst Enemy
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 3 Parts
Maybe you’ve started a diet and then snuck chocolate on the sly. Or perhaps you’ve set a budget and then browsed for new things you didn’t need. At times, we’ve all been our own worst enemy. In this series, Andy Stanley shares three things that can help you avoid the behaviors that ultimately undermine your relationships, career, finances, and success.
Not in it To Win It
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 2 Parts
The reaction of many evangelicals to political and cultural shifts in recent years revealed what they value most—winning. But the church is not here to win. It's here for something different.
The Fundamental List
Speaker: Andy Stanley and Joel Thomas
Length: 8 Parts
With so many denominations and opinions on what it means to be a Christian, it can be difficult to determine what is fundamental to the faith. In this series, we'll look at what's essential—and what's not—when it comes to following Jesus.
The Road Ahead
Speakers: Jeremy Kirby, Reggie Sumpter, and Lane Jones
Length: 3 Parts
Whether it’s making a difficult decision or facing unrealized hopes and dreams, tough times are inevitable. These pivotal seasons in life bring us to forks in the road where choices must be made.