Address the Mess
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
It's a common misperception that the Christian life is all about avoiding messes and staying out of trouble.
Part 1: “The Mess in the Mirror”
Whether we’re religious or not, we’ve all been in, are in, or are only one decision away from a mess. But there’s a powerful connection between your messes and your relationship with God.
Part 2: “Best Mess Ever”
I know a mess when I see one because I am one.” When we acknowledge our messes, we're a baby step away from acknowledging God. Your mess has the potential to bring you near to God.
Part 3: “Inside Out”
A common misperception is that the Christian life is all about avoiding messes and staying out of trouble. But following Jesus isn’t about avoiding something; it’s about becoming something.
Part 4: “Messy-er”
When you have a mess to address, first options aren’t usually the best options. First options often make messes messier. In this message, explore an approach that can take the -er out of your messy situations.