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Emotional Health
Speakers: Holly Goddard, Carey Nieuwhof, Chinwé Williams, and Sean Seay
Length: 4 Parts
When our emotions are maintained the right way, everything runs pretty smoothly. But when we let emotions get outside where they’re supposed to be, we can cause damage with our words and our actions.
Speaker: Reggie Sumpter
Length: 3 Parts
Around 2,000 years ago the apostle Paul wrote a letter to new followers of Jesus in and around the city of Ephesus. He wants them to know they are as much a member of God’s family as anyone else. Paul’s words to them can still very much apply to us today.
Everyday Evangelism
Speaker: Tim Cooper
Length: 3 Parts
What if sharing your faith wasn’t something you did, but a way you lived. . . every day? This 3-part study helps us understand what it looks like to be a Christian and share our faith in today's culture. Take a look at the most important part of evangelism and the Five Thresholds of Faith.
False Views of God
Speaker: Reece Mashaw and Sherita Harkness
Length: 3 Parts
It can be easy to pick up thoughts and ideas about God that might not actually be true. These false views can lead to unmet expectations or cause us to dismiss faith entirely. A false view keeps us from seeing God as he really is and experiencing the type of relationship he desires to have with us. The first step in gaining clarity is to examine the things we tell ourselves about God.
Fathering on Purpose
Speaker: John Woodall
Length: 1 Part
Many of us live lives directly influenced by the relationship or lack of relationship with our fathers. Hear from John Woodall, a father of four children who didn't always get it right.
Fight For It: How to Build Resilience
Speaker: Clay Scroggins
Length: 1 Part
There’s no magic dust that creates resilience—it must be earned through experience. In a world of trials and troubles, our God has great plans for each one of us. How can we allow him to use our broken lives to build something beautiful?
Five Things God Uses to Grow Your Faith
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 6 Parts
How differently would you respond to difficulties, temptations, and even good things if you knew with certainty that God was planning to leverage them for good?
Speaker: Joel Thomas
Length: 3 Parts
Great friendships are rare as adults. We go through most of our early years with built-in friendships, but then we’re thrown into the real world where it seems much harder to find and maintain them. Using three key concepts, we’ll discover how to create and cultivate meaningful friendships.
Gentlemen’s Club: For Men
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 1 Part
Jesus' teachings about honoring women were extremely countercultural in the first century. They remain so today.
Group Checkpoint
Speaker: Evan McLaughlin
Length: 1 Part
Healthy groups pause from time to time to consider the question, “How are we doing?” This 1-session study provides the opportunity for your group to celebrate how God is working and to determine a plan for continued growth.
Group Launch
Speaker: Holly Goddard
Length: 2 Parts
When you begin a new journey, it’s helpful to have a map for the road ahead. As your group begins, this 2-part study will help you plan your course and ensure that everyone is headed in the same direction.
Grown-Up Prayers
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
As children, many of us were taught to say our prayers. As we got older, we wondered why we should pray. We thought, How should I pray? Does praying even work? Those questions deserve grown-up answers.
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 5 Parts
Ever wonder what it would be like to have guardrails in other areas of your life—areas where culture baits you to the edge of disaster and then chastises you when you step across the line? Your friendships. Your finances. Your marriage. Maybe your greatest regret could have been avoided if you had established guardrails.
Hand Check: For Men
Speaker: Gavin Adams
Length: 1 Part
We all have plans for how we want things to go. Planning offers predictability and control in our lives. But sometimes our plans aren’t the best. So, what do we do when faced with a change of direction?
Hidden: For Men
Speaker: John Lynch
Length: 1 Part
All of us are stuck with unresolved issues whose symptoms we are trying to fix. The power of what we're hiding grows with each day. But, who can I trust?
How Not to Be Your Own Worst Enemy
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 3 Parts
Maybe you’ve started a diet and then snuck chocolate on the sly. Or perhaps you’ve set a budget and then browsed for new things you didn’t need. At times, we’ve all been our own worst enemy. In this series, Andy Stanley shares three things that can help you avoid the behaviors that ultimately undermine your relationships, career, finances, and success.
How to Get What You Really Want
Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts
Life can feel like a constant pursuit of wants. Actually getting what we want can be tricky and even dangerous.
I Said This, You Heard That
Speaker: Kathleen Edelman
Length: 6 Parts
If you’ve ever said the wrong thing (or said the right thing the wrong way), you know how quickly your mouth can make a big mess.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.