Parenting, Influence, Relationships NPM Digital Parenting, Influence, Relationships NPM Digital

Parenting in the 21st Century

Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts

If you’re a parent (or are playing a part in raising a child), you probably look for advice from time to time. It’s a tough job, after all. And you want to get it right. In this series, Andy suggests an unexpected place to turn to when you’re looking for guidance about the trickiest topics of family life—from discipline to divorce.

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Re-Assembly Required

Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 4 Parts

Repairing relationships is a skill that must be learned. While we’re not in control of every relationship being fully restored, we can strive to have no regrets by acting on four decisions.

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Relationships, Marriage NPM Digital Relationships, Marriage NPM Digital

Reconcilable Differences

Speaker: Gavin Adams
Length: 1 Part

All relationships can be challenging, and marriage is no exception. Nobody enters into marriage hoping for the worst, but, too often, when differences are discovered in that relationship, they seem irreconcilable. How does a promise of love become a seemingly insurmountable difference? What if our irreconcilable differences could be . . . reconciled? Find the hope that can come with saying "I do.”

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Relationships, Marriage, Parenting NPM Digital Relationships, Marriage, Parenting NPM Digital

Relationship Goals

Speaker: Jeff and Wendy Henderson, Andy and Sandra Stanley
Length: 1 Part

After a few decades of marriage, Andy and Sandra Stanley and Jeff and Wendy Henderson have some advice to share (along with a few stories of how they learned these lessons the hard way). If you’re married or want to be married one day, this is a message you’ll be glad you listened to.

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Some Assembly Required

Speaker: Gavin Adams
Length: 3 Parts

"Some assembly required.” Quite possibly the worst three words in the retail language. But what about the church? The apostle Paul calls the church a body, not a building. We constantly hear it’s about a “personal relationship with Jesus.” So, is some assembly required? In this series, we unpack the history of the church gathering, evaluate if gatherings are even necessary, and decide what the church is for.

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Uncomfortable Conversations

Speakers: Jenny Boyett and Justin Elam
Length: 2 Parts

Uncomfortable conversations: everyone faces them, but most of us want to avoid them. In this study, we discover some variables that are key to handling difficult conversations effectively. In addition, we’ll share practical tools and approaches you can use.

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You’re Not the Boss of Me

Speaker: Andy Stanley
Length: 6 Parts

We all monitor our outward behavior. We want to appear to be polite, generous, and maybe even confident. But what goes on inside our hearts and our minds isn’t always as flattering. Listen to why you shouldn’t let these six emotions be the boss of you.

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