
Speaker: Rahul Agarwal
Length: 2 Parts

What we believe about ourselves shapes our identities. Unfortunately, there are a number of false beliefs we’re carrying around. Not only do those false beliefs impact how we view ourselves, they also rob us of a more fulfilling life.

In this two-session study called Identity, your group will explore some common false beliefs people have about themselves and what to do about them.

Part 1

There are three basic needs we all have, and we will go to great lengths to satisfy them—even if we know the way we’re going about it isn’t healthy.

Check out our five-day reading plan to dive deeper into what was discussed in this session.

Part 2

We often wonder what it will cost us to followJesus. We may even ask, “Is it really worth it?” What will it cost us at work, in our relationships, in our finances? But what if Jesus wants more for us if we will just trust him and go “all-in”?




If Money Talked