The Book of Genesis

Speaker: Chris Kim and Elaine Scott
Length: 5 Parts

Great stories come with tension, drama, and people you can relate to. Powerful stories can also change how you view the world. In Genesis, we read story after story that does just that.

We’re introduced to people like Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. We see how their stories play a part in the greatest story of all—the story of God loving and redeeming his creation.

Part 1: A Beautiful Beginning

Genesis was originally written to Israelites who had just broken free from 400 years of Egyptian slavery. When they were out of bondage and trying to establish their identity, they wanted to know: Who are we? Where did we come from? So their leader, Moses, documented it for them. It all started “In the beginning…”

Part 2: A Big Problem

Early on, things were perfect. People had a wonderful place to live and a great relationship with each other and God. But the temptation to take matters into their own hands, rather than trusting the God who created them, proved too much. When sin entered the picture, a once-perfect world was tainted with shame, distrust, and consequences.

Part 3: A Solution Begins

Despite the choice to trust themselves over God, the Creator never abandoned his people. Not long after sin caused irreparable damage, God promised to one day restore things to the way they were intended. But it would take time and sacrifice to get there. The plan to redeem creation would begin with God’s promise to Abraham.

Part 4: A Nation Grows

God’s promises of a future nation—and a permanent home and blessings for that nation—were passed down from Abraham to his son Isaac and to Isaac’s son Jacob. While it’s true God used Jacob to continue his plan of redemption, it’s also true that the story of Jacob comes with complications that result from Jacob’s sometimes questionable actions.

Part 5: A Hero Emerges

Through the Abrahamic Covenant, we’ve seen God’s plan of redemption go from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob and Joseph. In this session, we’ll look at some remarkable examples of how faith can have an amazing impact on how we respond when treated unfairly.


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